PLANNING CASE PR-2023-001569 (RZ, CUP, DR): Proposal by Braden Bernards of CVP – Riverside DB, LLC, to consider the following entitlements for the establishment of a new 950-square foot Dutch Bros. coffee shop: 1) Zone Code Map Amendment to rezone the property from R-1-7000 – Single-Family Residential to CR – Commercial Retail; 2) Conditional Use Permit for the establishment of a drive-thru restaurant; and 3) Design Review of project plans. The 0.75-acre project site consists of two contiguous parcels, is currently developed with a single-family residence, to be demolished, and is located at 4990 and 4970 Van Buren Boulevard, situated on the west side of Van Buren Boulevard, north of Wells Avenue, in the R-1-7000 – Single-Family Residential Zone, in Ward 6. The Planning Division of the Community & Economic Development Department has determined that the proposal is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review pursuant to Sections 15061 (Common Sense) and 15303 (New...