Third Street Grade Separation - Second Amendment to Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska, for $216,698.75, for total amount of $2,808,642.56 from Measure A Fund, Third Street/BNSF Grade Separation Project accounts and California Department of Transportation Grade Separation Program Funding application and award for additional services for plans, specifications, and estimate phase of Third Street Grade Separation project through December 31, 2026 - Underpass Agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Company for $10,200,000, to grant necessary permanent construction and access to BNSF by City - Record increase in revenues and appropriate equal amount of expenditures in the amount of $3,750,482 in Capital Outlay-Grants Fund, Third Street/BNSF Grade Separation from BNSF matching funds - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, 1) authorizing the filing of an application with the California Department of Transportation for a gr...