PLANNING CASE PR-2023-001629 (CUP,DR): Proposal by Michael Haddadin of Haddadin Holding, LLC to consider the following entitlements to expand an existing vehicle fuel station and car wash facility: 1) Conditional Use Permit to modify the existing Conditional Use Permit (CU-071-001) to increase the size of the existing car wash tunnel by 367 square feet, and add 2,600 square feet of restaurant space; and 2) Design Review of project plans. The 1.51-acre project site is currently developed with an existing 3,600 square-foot gas station (AM/PM), including a convenience store, fuel pumps and a 1,088 square-foot car wash tunnel. The project is located at 501 E. Alessandro Boulevard, situated on the southwest corner of Alessandro Boulevard and Northrop Street, in the CR-SP - Commercial Retail and Specific Plan (Mission Grove) Overlay Zones, in Ward 4. The Planning Division of the Community & Economic Development Department has determined that the proposal exempt from the California Environmen...