File #: 25-1028    Version: 1
Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/6/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/25/2025
Title: Resolutions of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, establishing the public use and necessity for which certain legally described real property is to be acquired by eminent domain, stating the statutory authority for such acquisition, and authorizing proceedings in Eminent Domain for the purpose of the Third Street Grade Separation Project, Federal Project No. STPL-5058 (081) - Waive further readings - Make findings as described in the staff report including: (a) the public interest and necessity required proposed public project (b) the proposed public project is planned and located in a manner to be most compatible with greatest public good and the least private injury; (c) the real property interests being sought be acquired as described in the Resolutions are necessary for proposed public project, and (d) that the offers required by Government Code 7267.2 have been made to the owners of record - Authorize City Attorney to prepare and file complaints in eminent doma...
Attachments: 1. Report, 2. Resolution - LR Miller Properties, 3. Resolution - Condor Suntrust, 4. Resolution - Iron Lofts, 5. Resolution - Blue Banner Mazzetti, 6. Resolution - County of Riverside, 7. Resolution - CLPF BH Riverside, 8. Resolution - Realty Income, 9. Resolution - Gilmore Trust, 10. Notice, 11. Presentation