PLANNING CASE PR-2023-001568 (CUP): Proposal by Sydney Tooker of Amarok LLC, to consider a Conditional Use Permit to permit the installation of a 10-foot-tall, electrified security fence behind an existing six-foot-tall chain link fence. The 26-acre project site is developed with an equipment sales and rental business (CAT) and is located at 800 East La Cadena Drive, situated on the east side of East La Cadena Drive, between Citrus Street and Oxford Street, in the BMP-SP – Business and Manufacturing Park and Specific Plan (Hunter Business Park) Overlay Zones and I-SP - General Industrial and Specific Plan (Hunter Business Park) Overlay Zone, in Ward 2. The Planning Division of the Community & Economic Development Department determined the proposal exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities), Section 15303 (Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), and Section 15311 (Accessory Structures) of the CEQA Guideline...