Economic Development, Placemaking, and Branding/Marketing Committee recommend adoption of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, adopting the Storefront Retail Commercial Cannabis Business Permit Procedure Guidelines and Application Review Criteria for the City of Riverside’s Cannabis Program - Waive further reading - Increase of five full-time staff positions to support Cannabis program - Appropriation of $495,144 in General Fund, Cannabis Review Program - Five affirmative votes required (Community and Economic Development) (All Wards) (15-minutes presentation)
CCT – Community Trust, CCT – Equity, CCT – Fiscal Responsibility, CCT – Innovation, CCT – Sustainability & Resiliency, SP 3 – Economic Opportunity, SP 5 – High Performing Government, Strategic Goal 3.3, Strategic Goal 5.4, Ward - ALL, Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3, Ward 4, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7