File #: 24-0357    Version: 1
Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/18/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/27/2024
Title: Mobility and Infrastructure Committee recommends amending Street Sweeping Program enforcement practices related to first-time warnings through appeals process, ceases of enforcement during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year holiday weeks, reinstating enforcement temporary suspension of parking enforcement program - Introduce an Ordinance of the City of Riverside, California, amending Chapter 10.08 of the Riverside Municipal Code by adding Section 10.08.050 regarding Suspension of Parking Restrictions, amending Section 10.52.100(b) regarding temporary “No Parking”, Special Events, Meetings, Elections, or Emergency Parking Signs, and amending Section 10.60.010(d) regarding Parking Facilities - (Public Works) (All Wards) (10-minute presentation)
Attachments: 1. Report, 2. Application, 3. Ordinance - Redlined, 4. Presentation