Expenditure of $294,105.70 for equipment from Dell, Inc., Round Rock, Texas, under NASPO Cooperative Purchasing Agreement MNWNC-108 and $16,880 for software upgrade services from Convergint Technologies, under Sourcewell Cooperative Agreement 030421-CTL for total amount of $357,634 from Water and Electric CIP System Automation, Technology Governance (Cyber) Accounts - Recommend City Council approve software upgrade services from Convergint Technologies, in the amount of $16,880 under Sourcewell Cooperative Agreement 030421-CTL - Approve 15 percent change order authority for unforeseen additional costs for Electric and Water Funds' portion of project
CCT – Community Trust, CCT – Equity, CCT – Fiscal Responsibility, CCT – Innovation, CCT – Sustainability & Resiliency, SP 6 – Infrastructure, Mobility & Connectivity, Strategic Goal 6.2, Ward - ALL, Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3, Ward 4, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7