PLANNING CASE DP-2024-01493 (COA): Certificate of Appropriateness request by City of Riverside General Services Department for the exterior rehabilitation of the Cesar Chavez Center (City Landmark #49) including: 1) replacement of wood windows and repair of steel windows; 2) reroofing, including reinstallation of existing clay tiles; 3) installation of new lighting; 4) repainting, including stripping of paint from the decorative front and side entries; and 5) various site improvements. This property is located at 2060 University Avenue, at the southwest corner of University and Douglas Avenues, in Ward 1. The Community & Economic Development Department recommends that the Cultural Heritage Board determine the proposal is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review pursuant to Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15331 (Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation) as it constitutes as rehabilitation of an existing historic structure that is con...