PLANNING CASES P18-0922 (GPA), P18-0923 (RZ), AND P19-0089 (DR): Proposal by the City of Riverside Housing Authority to consider the following entitlements to facilitate the development of ten affordable dwelling units: 1) General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan land use designation of the project site from MDR – Medium Density Residential to HDR – High Density Residential; 2) Zoning Code Amendment to change the zone of the project site from R-1-7000 – Single-Family Residential Zone to R-3-2000 – Multiple-Family Residential Zone; and 3) Design Review of project plans. The 0.48 acre vacant site consists of three contiguous vacant parcels, located at 2825-2841 Mulberry Street, situated on the west side of Mulberry Street, between Poplar Street and 1st Street, in the R-1-7000 – Single-Family Residential Zone, in Ward 1. The Community and Economic Development Department recommends that the City Planning Commission determine that this project will not have a significant effect on ...