Cases P19-0507 and P19-0508 - Appeal by Kyle Paine of Community Development Partners of Planning Commission denial of proposed revision of previously approved conditional use permit and design review for construction of 50 affordable and supportive housing units, 4,214-square-foot parish hall, 2,950-square-foot friary and chapel, and 1,300-square-foot greenhouse at St. Michael's Episcopal Church - Determine project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects), as this project will not have a significant effect on environment - 4070 Jackson Street (Community and Economic Development) (Ward 5) (10-minute presentation)
1. Report, 2. PC Report, 3. Project Plans, 4. Project Plans, 5. Project Plans, 6. Project Plans, 7. Project Description, 8. PC Minutes, 9. Appeal Letter, 10. Letter, 11. Speaker Cards, 12. Presentation, 13. Petition Against, 14. Petition in Favor, 15. Letters Received after 3-5-20, 16. EComments, 17. Notice, 18. Public Comments through 3-27-20, 19. EComments through 3-27-20 3 p.m.