A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, declaring its intention to grant an exclusive Residential and Commercial Solid Waste Hauling Franchise to Arakelian Enterprises, Inc., doing business as Athens Services, and fixing the time and place for a public hearing before the City Council of the City of Riverside - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, providing notice to current Non-Exclusive Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service Providers pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 49520 regarding continuation services 5-year period - Waive further reading - Schedule public hearing for May 16, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. Reject proposal from Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. as non-responsive (Public Works) (All Wards) (15-minute presentation)
CCT – Community Trust, CCT – Equity, CCT – Fiscal Responsibility, CCT – Innovation, CCT – Sustainability & Resiliency, SP 4 – Environmental Stewardship, Strategic Goal 4.4, Ward - ALL, Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3, Ward 4, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7