Cases DP-2022-00035 (General Plan Amendment), DP-2022-00036 (Rezone), DP-2022-00025 (Site Plan Review), SD-2022-00002 (Tentative Parcel Map), DP-2022-00047 (Certificate of Appropriateness), DP-2022-00048 (Certify Environmental Impact Report) - Jamie Chapman of Riverside Property Owners, LLC. - Construction of mixed-use development consisting of 388 residential units and 25,320 square feet of commercial retail on 17.37-acres - Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, making specific findings to overrule Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission’s finding of inconsistency with the Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan the Arlington Mixed Use Development Project, located at 5261 Arlington Avenue, generally situated northeast of the intersection of Arlington and Streeter Avenues, Riverside, California, Assessor’s Parcel Number 226-180-015 - If Resolution overruling Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission is adopted, then the City C...