Case PR-2024-001665 - Request by Mike Sadeghian of AMCMAG, LLC. - Adopt an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, amending the Zoning Map of the City of Riverside pursuant to Chapter 19.090 of the Riverside Municipal Code by rezoning approximately 0.85-acres of property located at 3570 and 3596 Van Buren Boulevard, generally situated on the southwest corner of Van Buren Boulevard and Primrose Drive, from the MU-V-SP - Mixed-Use - Village and Specific Plan (Magnolia Avenue) Overlay Zones to CR-SP - Commercial Retail and Specific Plan (Magnolia Avenue) Overlay Zones - 3570 and 3596 Van Buren Boulevard - Waive further reading (Intro. on 11-5-24, Ward 5)