Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Museum of Riverside Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/26/2025 3:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall - Art Pick Council Chamber 3900 Main Street, Riverside Live Webcast at:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TitleVideo
25-0310 1This is the portion of the meeting specifically set aside to invite your comments regarding any matter within the Museum of Riverside Board’s jurisdiction. Individual audience participation is limited to 3 minutes. If you are in person, please complete and submit a speaker card to Museum staff. To comment via Telephone, call (951)826-8688. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak. To comment via Zoom, use the following link:, select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak. You can also comment using the eComments feature at Not available
25-0309 2Minutes - December 3, 2024 special meeting Not available
25-0320 3Record Museum of Riverside Board member absences for the December 4, 2024, special meeting. Not available
25-0322 4Receive and file a presentation recognizing service by outgoing Board member Lovelyn Razzouk. Not available
25-0316 5Receive and file a presentation from the Museum of Riverside’s Curatorial Services Manager. Not available
25-0317 6Discuss, receive, and file the Strategic Plan status report for the quarter ending December 31, 2024. Not available
25-0321 7Discuss and approve an annual Museum of Riverside Board work plan for its own operation. Not available
25-0323 8Election of 2025 Museum of Riverside Board Chair and Vice-Chair positions Not available
25-0324 9Director’s Update regarding the main museum renovation, historic houses, the 100th anniversary, collections, exhibitions and programs, budget, staffing, advisory teams, volunteer and support opportunities, and marketing and communications. Not available
25-0311 10Museum Board Chair/ Vice-Chair update Not available
25-0312 11Riverside Museum Associates (RMA) - quarterly update Not available
25-0313 12Harada House Foundation (HHF) - quarterly update Not available
25-0314 13Brief reports on conferences, seminars, and meetings attended by Museum of Riverside Board members Not available
25-0315 14Items for future Museum of Riverside Board consideration as requested by members of the Board. Only items that fall within the powers and duties of the Museum of Riverside as set forth in the City Charter and/or the Riverside Municipal Code will be agendized for future discussion Not available