Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/8/2024 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall - Art Pick Council Chamber 3900 Main Street, Riverside Live Webcast at:
Agenda en Espanol
Published agenda: Agenda en Español Agenda en Español Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TitleVideo
24-3019 1To comment on Closed Sessions and any matters within the jurisdiction of the City Council, you are invited to participate in person or call at (951) 826-8686 and follow the prompts to access your language of preference. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak. To participate via ZOOM, use the following link: Select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak. Not available
24-2720 2Brief reports on conferences, seminars, and regional meetings attended by Mayor and City Council, Ward updates, and announcements of upcoming events Not available
24-2717 3City Manager Update (All Wards) (10-minute presentation) Not available
24-2718 4Declaration of conflicts of interest on any agenda items (City Council) Not available
24-2747 5Mayor Lock Dawson to present Proclamations to the Riverside Community Health Foundation, Coalition for Clean Air, Air Quality Community Advisory Board, Riverside Arts Council, and Riverside Public Works Solid Waste Division recognizing October 2 as Clean Air Day (5-minute presentation) Not available
24-2836 6Mayor Lock Dawson to present Proclamation to Chief Innovation Officer George Khalil recognizing October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month (5-minute presentation) Not available
24-2764 7Finance Department overview and employee recognition (All Wards) (10-minute presentation) Video Video
24-2977 8Approve increase to budget for law firm of Greines, Martin, Stein and Richland, LLP., for amount not-to-exceed $4,000 and for total budget of $184,000 from Liability Trust Fund-Outside Legal Fees Account for specialized appellate legal services for the appeal in Riversiders Against Increased Taxes v. City of Riverside - Approve increase to budget with law firm of Greines, Martin, Stein and Richland, LLP., for not-to-exceed amount of $85,000, for total budget not-to-exceed $265,000, if Supreme Court takes review of petition filed by Riversiders Against Increased Taxes (All Wards) Not available
24-2978 9Approve increase to legal budget with law firm of Colantuono, Highsmith and Whatley for not-to-exceed $99,400, for revised total budget of $393,400 from General Fund, City Attorney Legal Fees Account for lawsuit entitled Simpson v. City of Riverside - Supplemental appropriation - Five affirmative votes required (All Wards) Not available
24-2837 10Minutes of September 10, 17 and 24, 2024 Not available
24-2971 11Councilmember Robillard recommends a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, in support of a Riverside Community College District Bond Measure CC - Riverside Community College District Career Preparation, Affordable Higher Education Measure - in the coming November 5, 2024, election - Waive further reading (All Wards) Not available
24-2825 12Grant of Easement and Agreement with Jurupa Community Services District granting permanent easement for portion of City-owned land, identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 155-070-031, or more particularly known as Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant for additional air vent easement without consideration - 5950 Acorn Street (Ward 3) Not available
24-2838 13Case DP-2022-00036 - Jamie Chapman of Riverside Property Owners, LLC. - Mixed-use development consisting of 388 residential units and 25,320 square feet of commercial retail on 17.37-acres - Rezone - Adopt an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, amending the Zoning Map of the City of Riverside pursuant to Chapter 19.090 of the Riverside Municipal Code by Rezoning approximately 17.37 acres of property located at 5261 Arlington Avenue, generally situated Northeast of the intersection of Arlington and Streeter Avenues, from the CG- Commercial General Zone to the MU-V - Mixed Use - Village Zone - Situated at Northeast Corner of Arlington Avenue and Streeter Avenue (Former Sears Building) - Waive further reading (Intro. on 9-17-24, Ward 3) Not available
24-2948 14Allocate $100,000 from General Fund available fund balance to General Fund, Non-Departmental Arlington Business vitality expenditure Account for Arlington Business Area vitality - Five affirmative votes required (Wards 5 and 6) Not available
24-2800 15Accept Department of Homeland Security grant award under existing 2024 National Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement of $1,518,384 for funding salaries and benefits of 1.0 FTE Fire Captain, 1.0 FTE Battalion Chief, 1.0 FTE Inventory Control Specialist and 1.0 FTE Management Analyst for Fiscal Year 2024-25 - Supplemental appropriation - Five affirmative votes required (All Wards) Not available
24-2803 16California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee reimbursement of $50,000 for Fire training support - Supplemental appropriation - Five affirmative votes required (All Wards) Not available
24-2692 17Award Bid 8113 to Cinbad Industry Inc., Reseda, for $101,805 plus 10 percent contingency in the amount of $10,180, for not-to-exceed $111,985 from Grants & Restricted Programs Fund, General Services ADA Improvements Project Account for Americans with Disabilities Act site improvements including parking stalls, sidewalks and access ramps at Bordwell Park - 2008 Martin Luther King Boulevard (Ward 1) Not available
24-2791 18Reject all proposals for Request For Bids 8112 for rehabilitation and modification of multi-residential housing facility located at 2800 Hulen Place - Authorize staff to release revised request for bids (Ward 2) Not available
24-2757 19Second Amendment to Agreement with Nevins Professional Investigations for $100,000 annually for investigative services through June 30, 2025 (All Wards) Not available
24-2827 20Agreement with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore for $200,000 annually, for total contract amount not-to-exceed $600,000 for Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Attorney Services through October 31, 2026, with one-year extension option (All Wards) Not available
24-2620 21Approve Subscription Services Agreement with Overdrive Inc., for $176,766 from General Fund, Grants and Restricted Programs Accounts to access library digital collection for twelve-month term with automatic renewals (All Wards) Not available
24-2778 22Reject all bids for Bid 8103 for new wrought iron fencing at Heritage House due to lack of qualified responses - Authorize staff to release revised Request for Bids (Ward 5) Not available
24-2797 23Accession into Museum of Riverside's permanent collection of six lots of historic artifacts and archival items from six donors consisting of a large lot containing 257 herbarium specimens and one Joshua tree specimen, and two cultural objects from regional tribal artists (All Wards) Not available
24-2786 24Purchase 31 Panasonic CF-33 Toughbooks from Lehr, Anaheim, for $233,561.04 from Measure Z Police Vehicle Replacement, Homeless Outreach-Wildlands and Urban Accounts for five-year warranty and accessories for 26 new police vehicles (All Wards) Not available
24-2790 25Purchase 11 Motorola Enhanced APX 6500 7/800 MHZ Mobile in-car radios, radio accessories, and three-year service warranty for $85,109.84 and 11 WatchGuard in-car video systems to include miscellaneous accessories, software, licensing, and warranty for $110,147.64 from Motorola Solutions Inc., Chicago, Illinois, from Measure Z Homeless Outreach PSET-Wildlands and PSET-Urban Accounts for new police vehicles (All Wards) Not available
24-2826 26Purchase 300 Axon Taser 10 with accessories, five-year warranty, and training from Axon Enterprise, Inc., Scottsdale, for $1,469,030.16 from Grants and Restricted Programs Fund, Police Department Administrative Services State COPS 23-24 Grant Account for Police Department (All Wards) Not available
24-2799 27Authorize application to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s State and Tribal Assistance Grants Program for Riverside Public Utilities Department’s PFAS Treatment Project - Authorize acceptance of Congressional earmark for $959,752 - Supplemental appropriation - Five affirmative votes required (All Wards) Not available
24-2916 28Lease of vacant property with Rohr, Inc., a part of Collins Aerospace, a Delaware corporation, for $500,000 from Public Utilities Electric Fund, Riverside Transmission Reliability Project Account for approximately nine acres of vacant property for construction materials yard for Riverside Transmission Reliability Project 69kV sub-transmission system for five-year term - 8200 Arlington Avenue (Ward 6) Not available
24-2566 29Fourth Amendment to Agreement with County of Riverside Department of Animal Services for $3,204,183.99 from General Fund, Non-Departmental-Public Works Special Projects Riverside County Animal Control Account for animal control field and licensing services through June 30, 2025 - Increase Purchase Order 240839 in amount of $188,744.16, for revised amount of 5,310,034.16 for services provided in Fiscal Year 2023-24 (All Wards) Not available
24-2578 30Purchase and installation of security cameras for Parking Garages 1, 2 and 3 with Convergint Technologies, LLC, Orange, under Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement 030421-CTL, for $232,104 with 15 percent change order authority of original quote, for total of $266,920 from Public Parking Fund, Public Works-Public Parking, Maintenance/Repair of Buildings and Improvements Account (Ward 1) Not available
24-2794 31A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, amending Resolution No. 22451 known as the Master Parking Schedule Resolution to remove a portion of the existing Timed Parking Zone on Sixth Street and establish Carshare Parking Zones - Waive further reading - Approve removal of a portion of existing 90-Minute Parking Zone on south side of Sixth Street from Market Street to 72’ westerly thereof - Establish a “Tow-Away No Parking Anytime Except Riverside Clean Air Carshare Vehicles” zone at various locations (All Wards) Not available
24-2796 32Approve temporary southbound one-way traffic circulation pilot project for approximately 24 months on Orange Street between Mission Inn Avenue and University Avenue for Riverside Museum construction project (Ward 1) Not available
24-2761 33Award Bid 8047 to All American Asphalt, Corona, for $6,706,022.50 for construction contract of Fiscal Year 2023-24 Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 Street Maintenance Improvements - Appropriate $1,592,481.96 in Gas Tax Fund to Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) Rehabilitation and Traffic Improvement Project accounts for RMRA Rehabilitation and Traffic Improvement Projects - Supplemental appropriation - Five affirmative votes required - (Public Works) (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) (10-minute presentation) Video Video
24-2789 34Introduce an Ordinance of the City of Riverside, California, amending Title 9 of the Riverside Municipal Code by deleting Section 9.12.065 regarding demonstration equipment prohibitions and adding chapter 9.53 regarding prohibition on carrying or possessing specified items while attending or participating in any public demonstration, gathering, rally, protest, pick line or public assembly (City Attorney/Police) (All Wards) (10-minute presentation) Video Video
24-2795 35A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, confirming the annual report of the Arlington Business Partnership, acting in its capacity as the Advisory Board to the Arlington Business Improvement District, levying assessments for Fiscal Year 2024/25 - Waive further reading (Finance) (Wards 5 and 6) (5 -minute presentation) Video Video
24-2569 36Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive from legal counsel concerning Luis Flores v. City of Riverside, WCAB Claim No.(s): 240023/ADJ18463269 Not available
24-2674 37Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive from legal counsel concerning Gregory Leone v. City of Riverside, WCAB Claim No.(s): 230141/ADJ17212948; 230142/ADJ17212949 Not available
24-2851 38Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning Jay H. Grodin, et al. v City of Riverside, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. CVRI2201327 Not available
24-2648 39Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning City of Riverside v. The IG Group, LLC, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. UDMV2401029 Not available
24-2905 40Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning Service Employees International Union, Local 721 v. City of Riverside, Case No. LA-CE-1640-M Not available
24-2895 41Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning People of the State of California, by and through the City of Riverside v. Pepe’s Inc., Riverside County Superior Court Case No. CVRI2205025 Not available
24-2914 42Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning City of Riverside v. Rubidoux Community Services District, et al. San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. CIVDS 1310520 Not available
24-2992 43Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning City of Riverside, a charter city and municipal corporation, the City Council of the City of Riverside, acting by and through its duly elected councilmembers, Erin Edwards, Clarissa Cervantes, Ronaldo Fierro, Gabriela Plascencia, James Perry, and Steven Hemenway, in their official capacity v. Councilmember Charles Conder and former Councilmember Steven R. Adams, in their official capacity, and does 1 through 50, inclusive, Riverside Superior Court Case No. CVRI2300725 Not available
24-2993 44Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning Tony Platt v. City of Riverside, Riverside County Superior Court Case No. RIC1822011 Not available
24-2991 45Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2)/54956.9(e)(3) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning Phaedra Norton v City of Riverside, Claim No.: 24-09-28 Not available
24-2657 46Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning anticipated litigation - one case Not available
24-2660 47Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(4) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning the City Council deciding whether to initiate litigation - four cases Not available
24-2662 48Pursuant to Government Code §54957(a), for consultation with Larry Gonzalez, Riverside Chief of Police, or his respective deputy, and George Khalil, Chief Information Officer regarding threat to public services or facilities Not available
24-2661 49Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 to review the City Council's position and instruct designated representatives regarding salaries, salary schedules, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of all Executive Management employees except the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk, all Management and Confidential employees as defined by PERS, Fire Management Unit, Riverside City Firefighters Association, Riverside Police Officers Association (Police and Police Supervisory Units), Service Employees International Union #721, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers #47, and Riverside Police Administrators Association Not available
24-2701 50Pursuant to Government Code §54957 for performance evaluation of City Manager Not available
24-2702 51Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 to review the City Council’s position and instruct designated representatives regarding salaries, salary schedules, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of unrepresented employee: City Manager Not available
24-2721 52City Attorney report on Closed Session discussions Video Video
24-2722 53Items for future City Council consideration as requested by Mayor or Members of the City Council - City Manager/City Attorney reports Video Video