Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Safety, Wellness, and Youth Committee Agenda status: Revised
Meeting date/time: 2/21/2024 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall - Art Pick Council Chamber 3900 Main Street, Riverside Originally Published: February 7, 2024
Agenda en Español
Published agenda: Agenda en Español Agenda en Español Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TitleVideo
24-0354 2Appeal by Marquisean Dunkins of Police Department denial of Vehicle for Hire permit application (All Wards) Lt. Steve Goodson, Police Department Not available
24-0525 1To comment on any matters within the jurisdiction of the Committee, you are invited to participate in person or call (951) 826-8686 and follow the prompts to access your language of preference. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak. To participate via ZOOM, use the following link: Select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak. Not available
24-0568 4Items for future Safety, Wellness, and Youth Committee consideration as requested by Members of the Committee Not available
24-0569 3Legislative update Video Video