| 1 | Public Comment - This is the portion of the meeting specifically set aside to invite your comments regarding any matters within the jurisdiction of the Budget Engagement Commission. Individual audience participation is limited to three minutes and you will be asked to state your name and city of residence. Please complete and submit a speaker card to the Commission Secretary. |
Not available
| 3 | Absences from Budget Engagement Commission meeting on June 13, 2019 of Commissioners Burns, Scarano, Beatty, Plascencia and Vice Chair Fine |
Not available
| 4 | Update on Council-Approved Mid-Cycle Amendment to Fiscal Year 2019/20 Budget |
Not available
| 5 | Measure Z - Museum Renovation Update and Supplemental Appropriation Request from Unallocated Measure Z Funds in an Amount not to Exceed $25,000 for Investigative and Destructive Testing Required for the Engineering Portion of Phase I Design of the Museum Renovation |
Not available
| 6 | City Programs for Providing Monetary and In-Kind Support for Non-Profit Organizations |
Not available
| 8 | Items for Future BEC consideration as requested by Commissioners of the BEC |
Not available
| 9 | Items for Future Agendas and Updates from City Staff |
Not available