Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Revised
Meeting date/time: 3/25/2025 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall - Art Pick Council Chamber 3900 Main Street, Riverside Live Webcast at: Originally Published: March 13, 2025
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TitleVideo
25-0909 1To comment on Closed Sessions and any matters within the jurisdiction of the City Council, you are invited to participate in person or call at (951) 826-8686 and follow the prompts to access your language of preference. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak. To participate via ZOOM, use the following link: Select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak. Not available
25-1095 2Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive from legal counsel concerning James Brandt v. City of Riverside, WCAB Claim No.(s): 110137-LTM, 220306/ADJ16017434, 230126 Not available
25-0949 2aPursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning Mission Grove Neighborhood Alliance v. City of Riverside, Riverside Superior Court Case No. CVRI2500122 Not available
25-1096 3Pursuant to Government Code §54957 for appointment/employment of Inspector General by City Council Not available
25-0901 4Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning anticipated litigation - one case Not available
25-0902 5Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(4) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning the City Council deciding whether to initiate litigation - one case Not available
25-0904 6Pursuant to Government Code §54957(a), for consultation with Larry Gonzalez, Riverside Chief of Police, or his respective deputy, and George Khalil, Chief Information Officer regarding threat to public services or facilities Not available
25-0903 7Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 to review the City Council's position and instruct designated representatives regarding salaries, salary schedules, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of all Executive Management employees except the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk, all Management and Confidential employees as defined by PERS, Fire Management Unit, Riverside City Firefighters Association, Riverside Police Officers Association (Police and Police Supervisory Units), Service Employees International Union #721, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers #47, and Riverside Police Administrators Association Not available
25-0794 8Adopt an Ordinance of the City of Riverside, California, authorizing an Amendment to the Contract between the City of Riverside and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System to implement a retirement cost-sharing provision of one-half percent (0.5 percent) of pensionable income for all Classic, CalPERS Level 1 and 2 Police Safety members hired before June 13, 2012, in the Unrepresented Police Management Group - Waive further reading (Human Resources) (Intro. on 2-25-25, All Wards) Not available
25-0973 9Award Bid 8144 to BNBuilders, Irvine, for $28,552,072 with 15 percent change order authority of $4,282,811 for total amount of $32,834,883 funded by bonds proceeds for Museum of Riverside rehabilitation and expansion - 3580 Mission Inn Avenue (Museum) (Ward 1) (10-minute presentation) Not available
25-0910 10Brief reports on conferences, seminars, and regional meetings attended by Mayor and City Council, Ward updates, and announcements of upcoming events Announcement of Committee meeting: Governmental Processes Committee at 9 a.m., on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, Art Pick Council Chamber Not available
25-0911 11City Manager Updates (All Wards) (5-minute presentation) Not available
25-0912 12Declaration of conflicts of interest on any agenda items (City Council) Not available
25-0842 13Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, approving the issuance of Tax-Exempt and/or Taxable Revenue Bonds pursuant to a plan of finance in a maximum aggregate principal amount not-to-exceed $100,000,000 by the California Municipal Finance Authority for the purpose of financing, refinancing and/or reimbursing one or more projects of California Baptist University, and certain other matters relating thereto for Cal Baptist University (CBU) Softball and Baseball Clubhouse located on CBU campus - Waive further reading - 8432 Magnolia Avenue (Finance) (Ward 5) (10-minute presentation) Not available
25-0857 14Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside approving a plan of finance of the California Municipal Finance Authority to issue and reissue revenue bonds for a qualified residential rental project for the benefit of Mulberry Gardens Family, L.P., and certain other matters relating thereto for amount not-to-exceed $65,000,000, for acquisition, construction, development and equipping of 150-unit qualified residential project - Waive further reading - 2560 Mulberry Street (Finance) (Ward 1) (10-minute presentation) Not available
25-1028 15Resolutions of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, establishing the public use and necessity for which certain legally described real property is to be acquired by eminent domain, stating the statutory authority for such acquisition, and authorizing proceedings in Eminent Domain for the purpose of the Third Street Grade Separation Project, Federal Project No. STPL-5058 (081) - Waive further readings - Make findings as described in the staff report including: (a) the public interest and necessity required proposed public project (b) the proposed public project is planned and located in a manner to be most compatible with greatest public good and the least private injury; (c) the real property interests being sought be acquired as described in the Resolutions are necessary for proposed public project, and (d) that the offers required by Government Code 7267.2 have been made to the owners of record - Authorize City Attorney to prepare and file complaints in eminent domain and take all other actions necessary to acquire the subject real property interests - Five affirm Not available
25-0913 16To comment on Consent Calendar and any matters within the jurisdiction of the City Council, you are invited to participate in person or call at (951) 826-8686 and follow the prompts to access your language of preference. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak. To participate via ZOOM, use the following link: Select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak. Not available
25-0862 17Mayor Lock Dawson to present a Proclamation to Riverside County Director of Victims’ Services Melissa Donaldson recognizing National Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 6-10, 2025 (5-minute presentation) Not available
25-1011 18Mayor Lock Dawson to present a Proclamation to City of Riverside Public Works Solid Waste Division, Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful, and Repeat Reuse recognizing March 30, 2025, as Zero Waste Day (5-minute presentation) Not available
25-1121 19Mayor Lock Dawson to present a Proclamation to Arturo Alcaraz of the Latino Network recognizing March 31, 2025, as Cesar Chavez Day (5-minute presentation) Not available
25-0914 20RIVERSIDE PROSPERS Success Report - Dapper Dine and Lounge (Ward 1) (5-minute presentation) Not available
25-0681 21Add law firm of Wanger Jones & Helsley PC to panel of authorized attorneys for City - Approve Legal Services Agreement with law firm of Wanger Jones & Helsley PC for specialized legal services for water rights issues for three-year term (All Wards) Not available
25-1031 22A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California adopting the Records Retention Schedule: Citywide standards for all City Departments and authorizing the destruction of certain City records and repealing Resolution No. 23548 - Waive further reading (All Wards) Not available
25-1119 23Appointment of Steven Herrera to Cultural Heritage Board Ward 2 seat, Judy Teunissen to Planning Commission Ward 4 seat - File resignation of Jamal Myrick from Human Relations Commission Citywide seat (All Wards) Not available
25-0918 24Minutes of February 25, March 4 and 11, 2025 Not available
25-0865 25Finance Committee recommends annual audit report from external independent auditor, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP., on City of Riverside 2023-24 financial results, as required by Riverside City Charter (All Wards) Not available
25-1056 26Human Relations Commission recommends City Council approval to award two one-thousand-dollar grants to Adrian Dell and Carmen Roberts Foundation and Laundry of Love Riverside as part of the 2025 Community Support Grant Program (All Wards) Not available
25-0898 27A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, adopting the City of Riverside Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 2023 Annex from the Riverside County Operational Area Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan as required by the Federal Disaster Mitigation and Cost Reduction Act of 2000 - Waive further reading (All Wards) Not available
25-0899 28A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, approving the City of Riverside Emergency Operations Plan 2025; and repealing Resolution No. 22151 - Waive further reading - Amend Emergency Operations Plan to make changes which may become necessary in the future to keep plan current, and functional - Approve new and updated Emergency Support Function (ESF) Annexes, Hazard Annexes to Emergency Operations Plan, and subsidiary plans as needed to keep plans current, functional, and in accordance with State and Federal Guidelines (All Wards) Not available
25-1064 29Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Program Subrecipient Agreement with Kingdom Causes, Inc., doing business as City Net, for $1,384,133.83 - Loan Agreement with Sunrise at Bogart, L.P., for $380,562 for case management services for at-risk individuals experiencing homelessness and development of 22 affordable housing units and a manager’s unit located at 11049 Bogart Street respectively - Second Amendment to PLHA Loan Agreement Amendment with The Aspire, L.P., for increase of $501,887.75 for revised total loan amount of $1,042,906.75 for development of 32 affordable housing units and a manager’s unit located at 3861 Third Street - Appropriate $2,456,509, or actual award amount in Development Fund, PLHA 2022 & PLHA 2023 Grant programs revenue and expenditure accounts - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, authorizing the application for, and receipt, of Permanent Local Housing Allocation Funds under the Senate Bill 2 Permanent Entitlement Jurisdiction Component from the Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund - Waive further reading - Supplemental a Not available
25-1113 30Subrecipient Agreement for Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program Round 3 with Riverside Housing Development Corporation for grant funds of $250,000 for predevelopment costs for acquisition and conversion of 114 motel rooms into studio units - 1590 University Avenue (Ward 2) Not available
25-1124 31A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, authorizing the submission of a joint application to the Department of Housing and Community Development for $4,400,000 of Homekey+ Plus funding for development of the Sunrise at Bogart Limited Partnership Affordable Housing Project and authorizing the execution of all required documents by the City Manager or his Designee and related participation - Waive further reading - Five affirmative votes required (Ward 7) Not available
25-0889 32Purchase of 12, 16-passenger paratransit vehicles for $2,485,114.41 fully funded via Federal and State grants through California Association for Coordinated Transportation/Morongo Basin Transit Authority, Colton, Purchasing Cooperative, Contract No. 20-01 and fulfilled by A-Z Bus Sales, Inc., Colton (All Wards) Not available
25-0885 33Rescind Bid Award 8110 to Zeco, Inc., Santa Ana, for $234,850 - Award Bid 8110 to Pacific Tide Construction, Northridge, for $222,867.20 and authorize 10 percent change order authority of up to $22,286.72 for project changes for total contract amount not-to-exceed $245,153.92, for total amount of $256,297.28 from Capital Outlay Fund, Nichols Park Playground Project Accounts and unappropriated General Fund revenue generated from savings due to ARPA coverage of qualifying public safety expenditures for Nichols Park Playground, Shade Structure, and Resilient Surfacing Installation Project - Supplemental appropriation - Interfund Transfer - Five affirmative votes required (Ward 3) Not available
25-0919 34Appropriation not-to-exceed $86,106.93 to Measure Z, Police Field Operations, Special Department Supplies account for purchase of drones and advanced training course for small unmanned aircraft systems pilots to enhance illegal fireworks enforcement - Five affirmative votes required (All Wards) Not available
25-0956 35Adopt an Ordinance of the City of Riverside, California, amending Chapters 1.17, 5.28, 5.40, 5.52, 5.80, 5.90, 5.95, 6.24, 9.40, 9.42, and 9.60 of the Riverside Municipal Code to include a more Uniform Appeal Procedure for various types of businesses and their permits, as well as the extraordinary Police Response Bill process pursuant to Chapter 9.60 with amendments thereto - Waive further reading (Intro. on 3-4-25, All Wards) Not available
25-0893 36Increase residential heat pump rebate program annual budget from $375,000 to $2,000,000 - Maintain current rebate amount of $750/ton for future years (All Wards) Not available
25-0894 37Fourth Amendment to Agreement with Wunderlich-Malec Engineering, Inc., Gilbert, Arizona, for $180,000, for total amount of $630,000 from Springs Professional Services and RERC Professional Services Accounts for power plant control system engineering and consulting services at Riverside Energy Resource Center and Springs Power Plant through June 30, 2028 (All Wards) Not available
25-0996 38Purchase of mobile barriers, trailers, beam gate system, related equipment, and certified deployment training from Meridian Rapid Defense Group for $750,000 from General Fund, Public Works-Traffic Engineering-Machine and Equipment Account for special event traffic safety measures (All Wards) Not available
25-1127 39By motion, waive attorney-client privilege regarding the second legal opinion provided by outside counsel firm Redwood Public Law LLP, regarding the adoption of a resolution reaffirming the policy excepting certain types of projects from Section 1109 of the Riverside City Charter as authorized by Resolution No. 24224 (City Attorney) (All Wards) (10-minute presentation) Not available
25-0900 40A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, pursuant to Riverside Municipal Code Section 5.77.120, to further postpone the City’s evaluation and review of applications for Storefront Retail Commercial Cannabis Business Permits up to 30 additional days for a total postponement of 120 days - Waive further reading - Direct staff to draft an Ordinance to amend Section 5.77 to include amendments to maximum number of Retail Commercial Cannabis Business (CCB) Permits allowed in City, maximum number of CCB Permits per ward, restricting the sale and transfer of permits, maintaining a minimum distance of 1,000 feet between CCB Permits, conformance with Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licensed business requirements to ensure compatibility, designating parks as a sensitive use with corresponding minimum separation distances, and minor clean up items in the Riverside Municipal Code related to renewal exceptions - Direct staff to draft a Resolution to amend the Storefront Retail Commercial Cannabis Business Permit Procedure Guidelines and Application Review Criteria to Not available
25-0915 41City Attorney report on Closed Session discussions Not available
25-0916 42Items for future City Council consideration as requested by Mayor or Members of the City Council - City Manager/City Attorney reports Not available