| 1 | To comment on any matters within the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Utilities, you are invited to participate via telephone at (951) 826-8688. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak.
To participate via ZOOM, use the following link: https://zoom.us/j/92696991265, select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak. |
| 2 | Recognition of Board Chair Gil Oceguera's service on the Board of Public Utilities |
| 3 | Declaration of conflicts of interest on any agenda items (Board of Public Utilities) |
| 4 | Minutes of January 27, 2025 |
Not available
| 5 | Recommend City Council confirm shareholder proxy authority for voting representatives and alternates outlined in staff report - Delegate authority to any designated Council, RPU Board, or City staff representative or their alternate to vote City’s shares as City’s proxy at all meetings of respective mutual water companies listed in staff report - Authorize City Manager and Public Utilities General Manager to designate Council, RPU Board, or staff representatives to serve on mutual water company boards listed in staff report - Authorize assignment and recalling of shares as necessary for each Council, Board, or City staff representative serving on mutual water companies listed in staff report
| 6 | Approve agreement with CEMTEK Environmental, Inc., Santa Ana, in total amount of $223,580 from Public Utilities Professional Services Accounts for software support of data acquisition and handling system for five-year term - Riverside power plants |
Not available
| 7 | Approve Work Order 2512615 in amount of $1,400,000 from Capital Outlay Fund Northside Agriculture Innovation Center Account for construction of Off-Site Water System Improvements for Northside Agriculture Innovation Center with consideration of prior Work Order 2503934 approval in amount of $200,000 from Restricted Programs Fund, Economic Development, Federal Capital Grants Account for total project budget of $1,600,000 for engineering, construction, paving, and construction contingency costs - 895 and 900 Clark Street |
| 8 | State Mandated Public Benefits Energy Surcharge Fund program and financial activity update - Direct staff to return to Board of Public Utilities with Public Benefits Energy Surcharge Plan to consider current program enhancements and to introduce new programs
| 9 | Systematic reporting on meetings, conferences, and seminars by Board members and/or staff |
| 10 | Items for future Board of Public Utilities consideration as requested by members of the Board. Only items that fall within the powers and duties of the Board of Public Utilities as set forth in the City Charter and/or the Riverside Municipal Code will be agendized for future discussion. |
| 11 | WA-12 Agricultural Service Water Rate report - December 31, 2024 |
Not available
| 12 | Power Supply Report - November 2024 |
Not available
| 13 | Electric and Water Open Work Orders over $200,000 and Closed Work Orders Summary Reports for December 2024
Not available
| 14 | Southern California Public Power Authority Agenda and Minutes |
Not available
| 15 | Upcoming City Council and Board Meetings |
Not available
| 16 | Electric/Water Utility Acronyms |
Not available