Audience participation is encouraged. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.
PLANNING CASE PR-2023-001523 (AMD): Proposal by the City of River-side to
consider amendments to Title 19 (Zoning) of the Riverside Municipal Code (RMC),
including but not limited to Articles V (Base Zones and Related Use and
Development Provisions), VII (Specific Land Use Provisions), and X (Definitions).
The proposed amendments implement policy direction from the City Council Land
Use Committee and are intended to:
1. Introduce a new definition for sensitive receptors throughout Title 19 including
amending applicable tiered development standards for new indus-trial development
adjacent to specified uses;
2. Repeal the existing Floor Area Ratio (FAR) table and replace with a new table
which evaluates a parcels proximity to a sensitive receptor and parcel size to
determine cumulative building area;
3. Provide additional landscaping buffering requirements for new industrial
development adjacent to sensitive receptors;
4. Modify project notification requirements by increasing the notification radius for
warehousing and distribution projects, require on-site Notice of Filing signs, and
require notice to multi-tenant occupants in addition to real property owners;
5. Introduce green building and on-site renewable energy requirements for new
Warehousing and Distribution Facilities;
6. Revise the Base Zones Permitted Land Uses Permitted Use Table to modify the
required entitlements to establish warehousing and distribution facilities greater than
400,000 square feet;
7. Align the Zoning Code with recent changes to State law including implementation
of Assembly Bill (AB) 98; and
8. Make other minor and/or non-substantive changes and technical corrections as
required to provide clarity, correct errors, or remove redundancies.
The Community & Economic Development Department recommends that the City
Planning Commission determine that this project is exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) (Common
Sense) of the CEQA Guidelines, as it can be seen with certainty that there is no
possibility the project will have a significant effect on the environment. Contact