3900 Main Street  
Riverside, CA 92522  
(951) 826-5808  
City of Riverside  
Human Resources Board  
Special Meeting  
Meeting Date: Monday, May 6, 2024  
5:00 PM  
Mayor's Ceremonial Room - 7th Floor, City Hall  
3900 Main Street, Riverside  
Publication Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024  
Live Webcast at:  
The City of Riverside is committed to providing high quality municipal services to  
ensure a safe, inclusive, and livable community  
Face coverings are strongly recommended.  
For virtual Public Comment, two options are available:  
Call (669) 900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 931 4944 3969  
Press star 9 (*9) to request to speak.  
Individuals in the queue will be prompted press star 6 (*6) to unmute and speak.  
Select the "raise hand" function to request to speak.  
An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak.  
Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.  
Please follow along via the telephone or Zoom options above to ensure you call in at  
the appropriate time for your item(s).  
Public comments regarding items on this agenda or any matters within the  
jurisdiction of the Human Resources Board can be submitted by eComment at  
to Mrstevens@riversideca.gov.  
* * * * * * *  
Pursuant to the City Council Meeting Rules adopted by Resolution No. 24076,  
members of all Boards and Commissions and the public are reminded that they must  
preserve order and decorum throughout the meeting. In that regard, members of all  
Boards and Commissions, as well as the public participants are advised that any  
delay or disruption in the proceedings or a refusal to obey the orders of the City  
Council, Boards and commissions, or their presiding officer constitutes a violation of  
these rules.  
The City of Riverside is committed to fostering a respectful workplace that requires  
all employees and external stakeholders to embrace a culture of transparency and  
inclusivity. This includes acceptable behavior from everyone; a workplace that  
provides dignity, respect, and civility to our employees, customers, and the public  
they serve. City meetings should be a place where all members of our community  
feel safe and comfortable to participate. While there could be a high level of emotion  
associated with topics on this agenda, the City would like to set the expectation that  
all members of the public use language appropriate to a collaborative, professional,  
and respectful public environment.  
The City is resolute in its commitment to eliminate any form of harassment,  
discrimination, or retaliation in the workplace. The City maintains a zero-tolerance  
policy for harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in compliance with new  
harassment and discrimination laws.  
* * * * * * *  
Public Comment Period - This is the portion of the meeting specifically set aside to  
invite your comments regarding item number three (3) before the Human Resources  
To comment on any matters within the jurisdiction of the Human Resources Board,  
you are invited to participate in person or call at (669) 900-6833 and enter Meeting  
ID: 931 4944 3969. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the  
queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak.  
select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will  
prompt you to "unmute" and speak - Individual audience participation is limited to 3  
Administration of Oath to Witnesses – City Clerk  
Appeal of Discipline of Public Employee - Personnel Grievance of Alissa Hughes  
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, the Board will meet in Closed  
Session to consider the discipline of a public employee – Personnel Grievance of  
Alissa Hughes.  
Report of decision by the Board following Closed Session - Chair of the Board  
* * * * * * * * *  
The next regular scheduled Human Resources Board Meeting  
is scheduled on June 3, 2024, at 5 p.m.  
* * * * * * * * *  
For live Webcast of the Committee Meeting:  
* * * * * * * * *  
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