Housing and Human Services
Prohousing Incentive Pilot Program Loan Agreements with Mulberry Gardens
Family, L.P., for $1,000,000 for 149 affordable housing units and manager unit
located at 2524 Mulberry Street and Sunrise at Bogart L.P., for $1,440,000 for 22
affordable housing units and manager unit located at 11049 Bogart Street - A
Resolution of the City of Riverside, California, authorizing the submission of an
application for, and acceptance of any funds from, the Prohousing Incentive
Program Round Three Program administered through the State of California
Department of Housing and Community Development and authorizing the execution
of necessary grant documents by the City Manager, or Designee - Waive further
reading - Supplemental appropriation - Five affirmative votes required (Wards 1 and
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, approving an
application for funding for $10,000,000 and authorizing the execution of all required
documents by the City Manager or Designee for a 2024 Homeownership Supernofa
offered by the State of California Department of Housing and Community
Development for Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s affordable homeownership
development of 13 single-family homes with eight accessory dwelling units - Waive
further reading - Five affirmative votes required - 7382 and 7384 Garden Street
(Ward 5)
Parks, Recreation, and Community Services
Authorize change order to Agreement with JB Bostic Company, Inc., Anaheim,
including $416,618 for additive bid items, 10 percent total contract contingency
amount of $89,300, and 5 percent amount of $44,650 for ancillary costs such as
permits, testing, inspections and administration, for revised total contract amount
not-to-exceed $1,398,918 and total project amount not to exceed $1,443,568 from
Capital Outlay Fund, Citywide Park Improvement Project-Park Parking Lot Project
accounts for Citywide park improvements parking lot projects
appropriation - Fund transfer - Five affirmative votes required (Wards 1, 3, 4, 6,
and 7)