Audience participation is encouraged. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.
PLANNING CASE PR-2024-001746 (AMD): Proposal by the City of Riverside to
consider amendments to Titles 18 (Subdivision) and 19 (Zoning) of the Riverside
Municipal Code (RMC), including but not limited to Title 18 Article IV (Requirements
for Filing and Approval Process) and Title 19 Articles III (Nonconforming
Provisions), V (Base Zones and Related Use and Development Provisions), VI
(Overlay Zones), VII (Specific Land Use Provisions), VIII (Site Planning and
General Development Provisions), IX (Land Use Development and Permit
Requirements/Procedures), and X (Definitions).
intended to:
The proposed amendments are
1. Align the RMC with recent changes to California Law related to Accessory
Dwelling Units, Density Bonus, and Electrified Security Fences;
2. Align language in the Alcohol Sales and Outdoor Lighting chapters with standard
regulatory and industry terms;
3. Streamline minor adjustments to development standards;
4. Clarify pet grooming and personal services as permitted home occupations;
5. Clarify screening options for ground-mounted utility equipment;
6. Adjust the allowed heights of fences and walls in side and rear yards of
Single-Family Residential Zones;
7. Adjust the permitted retaining wall heights in Title 19 for consistency with those in
Title 17; and
8. Make other minor and/or non-substantive changes and technical corrections as
required to provide clarity, correct errors, or remove redundancies.
The Community & Economic Development Department recommends that the City
Planning Commission determine that this project is exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) (Common
Sense) of the CEQA Guidelines, as it can be seen with certainty that there is no
possibility the project will have a significant effect on the environment. Contact