City of Riverside  
City Council  
Patricia Lock Dawson  
Philip Falcone  
Clarissa Cervantes  
Steven Robillard  
Chuck Conder  
Sean H. Mill  
Agenda en Espanol  
Jim Perry  
Steve Hemenway  
Meeting Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2024  
Publication Date: Friday, August 9, 2024  
1:00 PM  
City Hall - Art Pick Council Chamber  
3900 Main Street, Riverside  
Live Webcast at:  
The City of Riverside is committed to providing high quality municipal services to  
ensure a safe, inclusive, and livable community.  
Spanish interpreters will be available in person and via phone.  
American Sign Language interpreters will be provided for Item No. 5.  
To participate virtually, two options are available:  
Call (951) 826-8686 and follow the prompts to access your desired language. Press  
*9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to  
unmute by pressing *6 to speak.  
Select the "raise hand" function to request to speak.  
An on screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak.  
Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.  
Please follow along via the telephone or Zoom options above to ensure you call in at  
the appropriate time for your item(s).  
Public comments regarding items on this agenda or any matters within the  
jurisdiction of the City Council can be submitted via the eComment feature at  
* * * * *  
Pursuant to the City Council Meeting Rules adopted by Resolution No. 24076, the  
Members of the City Council and the public are reminded that they must preserve order  
and decorum throughout the Meeting. In that regard, Members of the City Council and  
the public are advised that any delay or disruption in the proceedings or a refusal to obey  
the orders of the City Council or the presiding officer constitutes a violation of these  
The City of Riverside is committed to fostering a workplace that provides dignity, respect,  
and civility to our employees, customers, and the public they serve.  
The City of Riverside wishes to make all of its public meetings accessible to the public.  
Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to  
persons with disabilities, as required by 42 U.S.C. §12132 of the Americans with  
Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or  
accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the  
City's ADA Coordinator at (951) 826-5427 at least 72 hours before the meeting, if  
Agenda related writings or documents provided to the City Council are available in the  
the entrance of the Art Pick Council Chamber while the meeting is in session.  
The numerical order of items on this agenda is for convenience of  
reference. Items may be taken out of order upon request of the Mayor or Members of  
the City Council.  
1 P.M.  
INVOCATION - Councilmember Hemenway  
Audience participation is encouraged. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.  
To comment on Closed Sessions, Consent Calendar and any matters within the  
jurisdiction of the City Council, you are invited to participate in person or call at  
(951) 826-8686 and follow the prompts to access your language of preference.  
Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be  
prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak.  
Select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will  
prompt you to "unmute" and speak.  
Brief reports on conferences, seminars, and regional meetings attended by Mayor  
and City Council, Ward updates, and announcements of upcoming events  
Announcement of Committee meetings:  
Economic Development Committee at 3 p.m., on Thursday, August 22, 2024, Art  
Pick Council Chamber  
Governmental Processes Committee at 9 a.m., on Wednesday, September 4, 2024,  
Art Pick Council Chamber  
Land Use Committee at 3:30 p.m., on Monday, September 9, 2024, Art Pick Council  
Finance Committee at 3 p.m., on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, Art Pick  
Council Chamber  
Mobility and Infrastructure Committee at 1 p.m., on Thursday, September 12, 2024,  
Art Pick Council Chamber  
City Manager Update (All Wards) (5-minute presentation)  
Declaration of conflicts of interest on any agenda items (City Council)  
Mayor Pro Tem Hemenway to present Proclamation to Commission of the Deaf  
Chair Mike Anderson recognizing September 14, 2024, as 25th anniversary of the  
DeaFestival (5-minute presentation)  
Mayor Pro Tem Hemenway to present Proclamation to Emergency Services  
Administrator Mark Annas recognizing September as National Preparedness Month  
(5-minute presentation)  
CONSENT CALENDAR - Item # 7-31  
All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered routine by the City  
Council and may be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no  
separate discussion of these items unless, before the City Council votes on the motion to  
adopt, Members of the City Council or staff request specific items be removed from the  
Consent Calendar for separate action.  
City Attorney  
Add Redwood Public Law to panel of authorized attorneys - Approve Legal Services  
Agreement and engagement letter with law firm of Redwood Public Law for  
specialized legal services - Establish budget of $250,000 for Redwood Public Law's  
work on public/private partnership projects - Supplemental appropriation - Five  
affirmative votes required (All Wards)  
City Clerk  
Designate Councilmember Mill as voting delegate and Councilmember Robillard as  
alternate for 2024 League of California Cities Annual Business Meeting (All Wards)  
Request for Proposal 2374 Agreement with Certified Records Management, LLC.,  
for amount not-to-exceed $60,000 annually through June 30, 2029, for total contract  
amount not-to-exceed $300,000 from City Clerk's Office Budget with one five-year  
extension option for not-to-exceed total of ten years for records storage and  
destruction services (All Wards)  
Appoint Mary Welding to Commission on Aging and Thomas Forbes to Park and  
Recreation Commission Citywide seats - File resignation of Megan Durkee from  
Human Relations Commission Ward 6 seat (All Wards)  
Minutes of August 6, 2024  
City Council  
Land Use Committee recommends introduction of an Ordinance of the City of  
Riverside, California, amending Chapter 5.36 to the Riverside Municipal Code  
regarding the regulation of Mobile Food Vendors on vehicle parking restrictions fifty  
feet from any commercial, industrial, and residential driveways (All Wards)  
City Manager  
Third Amendment to Agreement with HR&A Advisors, Inc., for increased  
compensation not-to-exceed $50,000 for total agreement amount of $385,000 from  
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Economic Development Account for additional advisory  
services to evaluate a revised development program, parking arrangement and  
associated fiscal impact for Riverside Alive Project through December 31, 2024 (All  
Community and Economic Development  
Review and send the draft findings to overrule the Riverside Airport Land Use  
Commission (ALUC) Determination to the California Division of Aeronautics and to  
the ALUC - Schedule a Public Hearing for December 3, 2024, at 6:15 p.m., to  
consider the overrule of Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) determination of  
inconsistency, project appeals and entitlements including  
Amendment, Rezone, Tentative Parcel Map, and Design Review related to Planning  
Case PR-2022-001359 to facilitate construction of multifamily development  
General Plan  
consisting of 347 residential units on 9.92 acres, located at 375 Alessandro  
Boulevard (former Kmart building) and situated on the northwest corner of Mission  
Grove Parkway and Mission Village Drive (Ward 4)  
Stormwater Treatment Device and Control Measure Access and Maintenance  
Agreement and Water Quality Management Plan with City of San Bernardino for  
City-owned property - 1388 South E. Street, San Bernardino (All Wards)  
Annexation of City property located at 1388 South E. Street, San Bernardino, into  
City of San Bernardino's Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (All Wards)  
Case PR-2024-001678 - Adopt an Ordinance of the City of Riverside, California,  
amending numerous sections of Title 19 the Riverside Municipal Code regarding  
Zoning - Waive further reading (Intro. on 8-6-24, All Wards)  
First Amendment to Agreement with PFM Financial Advisors, LLC., for additional  
compensation of $75,000 for total contract amount of $175,000 from Sewer Fund,  
Digester V Rehab Project account for Financial Advisory Services related to the  
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) (All Wards)  
Purchase of protective fire safety clothing for Fire Department from All Star  
Equipment, Hayward, for $226,335 from Fire Operations Account (All Wards)  
General Services  
Request for Proposal 2368 - Services Agreement with Duthie Electric Service  
Corp., Long Beach, for $195,764.24 annually, for total amount of $587,292.72, from  
Fleet Fund Sublet Repairs Account for on-call generator maintenance services as  
needed for General Services Department Fleet Management Division through June  
30, 2027, with two one-year extension options (All Wards)  
Housing and Human Services  
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, authorizing an  
application to the California Department of Housing and Community Development  
for Local Housing Trust Fund Program matching grant funds of $1,000,000 for the  
City’s Local Affordable Housing Trust Fund for the development of affordable rental  
housing projects - Supplemental appropriation - Waive further reading - Five  
affirmative votes required (All Wards)  
Purchase of library materials and services from Baker and Taylor, LLC., for  
$288,000 from General Fund and Grants and Restricted Program Accounts (All  
Parks, Recreation, and Community Services  
Request for Proposals 2334 - Agreement with Ecolane USA, Inc., Wayne,  
Pennsylvania, for $208,589.50 for Year 1, and $170,359.50 for Years 2 and 3, for  
total of $549,308.50 from State grants for license, training and support of  
web-based transportation scheduling software application for Special Transportation  
Division (All Wards)  
Award Bid 8082 to WCM & Associates, Inc., Yucaipa, for $799,000 and 10 percent  
change order authority for total contract amount of $878,900 from Parks,  
Recreation and Community Services ARPA Citywide Improvements Account for  
labor, equipment and materials for removal and replacement of HVAC systems at  
eleven separate community centers (All Wards)  
Second Amendment to Agreement with Rebecca Acevedo doing business as A  
Squared Consulting, for increased amount of $88,500 not-to-exceed $442,500 from  
Project Bridge ARPA  
Account for wrap around services for Project BRIDGE  
Program through December 31, 2025 (Ward 1)  
Memorandum of Understanding with Alvord Unified School District for $873,172.08  
annually, for total of $1,746,344.16, from General Fund, Police Department  
Personnel Budget for School Resource Officer Program through June 30, 2026  
(Wards 5, 6, and 7)  
Public Utilities  
Agreement with the University of California, Riverside for attachment of wireline  
facilities on two city-owned wooden poles for underground fiber optic expansion at  
vicinity of Martin Luther King Boulevard and Gage Canal (Ward 2)  
Water Conservation Surcharge Program enhancements for additional amount of  
$615,000 for  
$1,215,000 from  
Unprogrammed Funds Account for conservation, education, and water use  
efficiency programs (All Wards)  
Public Works  
Addition of Tequesquite Landfill Blower Project to Capital Improvement Program -  
Award Bid 8092 to Metrocell Construction, Inc., Ontario, for $236,286 from Public  
Works Department Budget for Tequesquite Landfill Well Head Repairs (Ward 1)  
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, adopting a list of  
projects for Fiscal Year 2024-25 funded by Senate Bill 1: The Road Repair and  
Accountability Act of 2017 - Waive further reading (Wards 4, 5, 6, and 7)  
Request for Proposal 2344 - Agreement with Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc.,  
Irvine, for $884,712.31 plus ten percent contingency, for amount not-to-exceed  
$973,183.54 from Public Works HSIP Cycle XI Grant and Measure A Local funds to  
implement Citywide leading pedestrian interval signal timing and engineering design  
plan preparation services for Citywide retroreflective signal backplates, median, and  
high-friction surface treatment through June 30, 2026, with additional two-year  
extension options - Mission Inn Avenue between Redwood Drive and Scout Lane  
(Ward 1)  
Audience participation is encouraged. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.  
A Resolution of Intention to approve an Amendment to Contract between the Board  
of Administration California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City  
Council City of Riverside to implement a retirement cost-sharing provision of  
one-half percent (0.5) of pensionable income for all Classic, CalPERS Level 1 and 2  
Police Safety members hired before June 13, 2012, in the Unrepresented Police  
Management Group for a total of seven percent (7)  
effective as soon as  
administratively possible - Waive further reading - Introduce an Ordinance of the  
City of Riverside, California, authorizing an Amendment to the Contract between the  
City of Riverside and the Board of Administration of the California Public  
Employees’ Retirement System to implement a retirement cost-sharing provision of  
one-half percent (0.5) of pensionable income for all Classic, CalPERS Level 1 and 2  
Police Safety members hired before June 13, 2012, in the Unrepresented Police  
Management Group (Human Resources) (All Wards) (10-minute presentation)  
Award Bid 8081 to American Asphalt South, Inc., Riverside, for $2,765,667.24 from  
Measure Z Pavement Rehabilitation and Pedestrian Facilities Account for Fiscal  
Year 2023-24 Street Preservation (All Wards)  
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Expenditure Plan update - Reallocation of ARPA  
funds from various ARPA Projects to Revenue Replacement projects in amount of  
$1,550,000 for Parks Masters Plans, Senior Study Master Plan, and Revolving Loan  
- Supplemental appropriation - Interfund transfer - Five affirmative votes required  
(City Manager/Finance) (All Wards) (10-minute presentation)  
3 P.M.  
Audience participation is encouraged.  
Public comments are limited to 3 minutes. Press  
*9 to be placed in the queue to speak when the discussion item is called.  
Case PR-2021-001145 - City of Riverside - Title 20 Code Text Amendments  
(Cultural Resources) Determine project is exempt from further California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review pursuant to Sections 15308 (Actions to  
Protect Environment), 15060(c)(2) (No Physical Change), 15060(c)(3) (Not  
Project), and 15061(b)(3) (General Rule), as proposed amendment will cause no  
direct or indirect change to environment, does not meet definition of a Project under  
CEQA, and it can be seen with certainty that proposed amendment will not have an  
effect on environment - Introduce an Ordinance of the City of Riverside, California,  
amending numerous Sections of Title 20 the Riverside Municipal Code regarding  
Cultural Resources (Community and Economic Development) (All Wards)  
(10-minute presentation)  
CLOSED SESSIONS - Item #36-42  
Time listed is approximate.  
The City Council may adjourn to the below listed Closed  
Sessions at their convenience during this City Council meeting.  
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive from  
legal counsel concerning Jorge Franco v. City of Riverside, WCAB Claim No.(s):  
080369 / ADJ6630932, 090135 / ADJ6630933, 980137-LTM  
01000089-LTM / ADJ2684455  
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive from  
legal counsel concerning Jesus Hibarra v. City of Riverside, WCAB Claim No.(s):  
200006 / ADJ14628393  
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.8 to instruct City’s Negotiator, Charles M.  
Futrell, regarding price and terms of payment for the purchase, sale, exchange, or  
lease of property located at 1101-1199 Orange Street, generally described as the  
Development/Adrenaline Sports Resorts; Atman Kadakia; Andrew Walcker; Bryant  
Grigsby, Negotiators  
Pursuant to Government Code §54957(a) for consultation with Chief of Police Larry  
Gonzalez, or his respective deputy, and Chief Information Officer George Khalil  
regarding threat to public services or facilities  
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2) to confer with and/or receive advice  
from legal counsel concerning anticipated litigation - two cases  
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(4) to confer with and/or receive advice  
from legal counsel concerning the City Council deciding whether to initiate litigation  
- three cases  
Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 to review the City Council's position and  
instruct designated representatives regarding salaries, salary schedules, or  
compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of all Executive Management  
employees except the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk, all Management  
and Confidential employees as defined by PERS, Fire Management Unit, Riverside  
City Firefighters Association, Riverside Police Officers Association (Police and  
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers #47, and Riverside Police  
Administrators Association  
City Attorney report on Closed Session discussions  
Items for future City Council consideration as requested by Mayor or Members of  
the City Council - City Manager/City Attorney reports  
* * * * * * * * *  
The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for  
Tuesday, September 17, 2024  
City Council meetings broadcast with closed captioning available on  
AT&T Channel 99,  
Charter Spectrum Channel 3,  
and Frontier Cable Channel 21  
Rebroadcast Wednesdays at 9 p.m., Fridays at 1 p.m., and Saturdays at 9 a.m.  
View live Webcast of the City Council Meeting at:  
Follow on Twitter:  
City of Riverside (@riversidecagov)  
Parks, Recreation, and Community Services (@rivcaparkandrec)  
Riverside Fire Department (@RivCAFire)  
Riverside Police Department (@RiversidePolice)  
Riverside Public Utilities (@RPUNews)  
* * * * * * * * *  
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