Audience participation is encouraged. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes. Press
*9 to be placed in the queue to speak when the Discussion item is called.
By motion, waive attorney-client privilege regarding the second legal opinion
provided by outside counsel firm Redwood Public Law LLP, regarding the adoption
of a resolution reaffirming the policy excepting certain types of projects from
Section 1109 of the Riverside City Charter as authorized by Resolution No. 24224
(City Attorney) (All Wards) (10-minute presentation)
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, pursuant to
Riverside Municipal Code Section 5.77.120, to further postpone the City’s evaluation
and review of applications for Storefront Retail Commercial Cannabis Business
Permits up to 30 additional days for a total postponement of 120 days - Waive
further reading - Direct staff to draft an Ordinance to amend Section 5.77 to include
amendments to maximum number of Retail Commercial Cannabis Business (CCB)
Permits allowed in City, maximum number of CCB Permits per ward, restricting the
sale and transfer of permits, maintaining a minimum distance of 1,000 feet between
CCB Permits, conformance with Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licensed
business requirements to ensure compatibility, designating parks as a sensitive use
with corresponding minimum separation distances, and minor clean up items in the
Riverside Municipal Code related to renewal exceptions - Direct staff to draft a
Resolution to amend the Storefront Retail Commercial Cannabis Business Permit
Procedure Guidelines and Application Review Criteria to amend Step 2.2 to clarify
failure to meet Zoning Verification Requirements require full resubmittal and Step
2.3 to clarify an applicant fails the submittal deadline for any of processes detailed
in Step 2.3, applicant shall be deemed to have forfeited the Storefront Retail CCB
application and any right to a Storefront Retail CCB permit - Provide direction on
transfer of sales to equity qualified businesses, prohibit transfers of CCB Permits,
amend the final authority to approve or deny the transfer process to City Council,
amendment to the Zoning Code to prohibit CCB Permits in Placemaking or
Specialty Zone/Areas, and review Residential Zoned Properties as a sensitive use
with corresponding minimum separation distance (Community and Economic
Development) (All Wards) (15-minute presentation)