Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice
from legal counsel concerning Carl Pongs v. City of Riverside; Riverside County
Superior Court Case No. CVRI2301051; Carl Pongs and Richard Moslenko v. City
of Riverside; and All persons interested in the matter of the validity of City of
Riverside Resolution No. 23917 regarding intention to issue tax-exempt obligations,
adopted October 25, 2022, and the City of Riverside Resolution No. 23924
authorizing the issuance of water revenue bonds of the City in an aggregate
principal amount not to exceed $70,000,000 and providing the terms and conditions
of such bonds, adopted November 8, 2022; Riverside County Superior Court Case
No. CVRI2205534; Court of Appeal No. D08773
Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency - Pursuant to Government Code
§54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice from legal counsel concerning
Historic Mission Inn Corporation v. City of Riverside, a California municipal
corporation, by and through its successor agency for the (former) Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Riverside, et al., Riverside Superior Court Case No.
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice
from legal counsel concerning City of Riverside v Shell Oil Company, et al., San
Francisco County Superior Court Case No. CGC-20-588295
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) to confer with and/or receive advice
from legal counsel concerning Goodrich Corporation, et al. v. City of Riverside, et
al., United States District Court Case No. 5:24-cv-2640-KK (DTBx)
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.8 to instruct City's Negotiator, Charles M.
Futrell, regarding price and terms of payment for the purchase, sale, exchange or
lease of 1101-1199 Orange Street, generally described as the former Riverside Golf
Club, APN: 206-070-003, 206-070-002, 246-060-011, by Adrenaline Sports
Resorts; Overland Development; Greens Group; LCD California; Bryant Grigsby;
Andrew Walcker; Atman Kadakia; Randall Lewis; Bob Martin, Negotiators
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2) to confer with and/or receive advice
from legal counsel concerning anticipated litigation - one case
Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(4) to confer with and/or receive advice
from legal counsel concerning the City Council deciding whether to initiate litigation
- two cases