Increase in annual compensation with County of Riverside for $50,400, for total
annual amount of $121,200 for Fiscal Year 2024-25 from General Fund,
Police-Central Investigations, Professional Services Account for adult/adolescent
forensic services (All Wards)
Public Utilities
Resource Adequacy Purchase and Financial Energy Settlement Agreement with
Baldy Mesa C, LLC., for estimated initial annual net capacity cost of $4,800,000
from Electric Fund, Public Utilities Power Purchasing, Capacity Charge Account for
50 megawatts of battery energy storage capacity from Baldy Mesa C facility for
fifteen year term (All Wards)
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, reaffirming the
policy for the construction, replacement, development, extension, and/or relocation
of Electric and Water Utility Infrastructure and excepting certain types of utility
projects from Section 1109 of the Riverside City Charter, and repealing Resolution
No. 15507 - Waive further reading - Five affirmative votes required (All Wards)
Public Works
Consent to Assignment Agreement with Wastech Corp., for Master Software
Services Agreement by and between Rubicon Global LLC pursuant to Sourcewell
Contract #020221-RUB executed on February 29, 2024 (All Wards)
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, amending
Resolution 20295 to revise Table 1 to remove chloride, sodium, sulfate and their
corresponding limits; reduce the maximum silver concentration limit of the silver
limits to 0.8 mg/L and to remove the 5.0 mg/L and remove Footnote 1, as listed on
the 12/12/02 local limit pollutant discharge limitations effective September 2024 -
Waive further reading (All Wards)
Introduce an Ordinance of the City of Riverside, California, amending Chapter
16.68 of the Riverside Municipal Code regarding Transportation Uniform Mitigation
Fee in its entirety - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside,
California, amending the applicable Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF)
applicable to all development in the City of Riverside - Waive further reading - Direct
staff to amend the City of Riverside Schedule of Fees and Charges prior to the
requested April 1, 2025 effective date (All Wards)
Award Bid 8045 to Onyx Paving Company, Inc., Anaheim, for $2,882,000 from
Measure Z and Public Works Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Arterial and Minor
Streets Maintenance, Phase 2 (Wards 1, 3, 4, and 5)