City Clerk
Appoint Sandra Woods-Adeyeye to Human Relations Commission Ward 2 seat (All
City Manager
Request for Proposal 2270 - Agreement with Focus Language International Inc.,
Victorville, for not-to-exceed $175,000, annually from Office of Communications
Professional Services fund Account for Spanish interpreter services at City Council,
Committee, and on-call meetings as needed through June 30, 2024, with two
additional two-year extension options, not-to-exceed five year (All Wards)
Community and Economic Development
Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement with James E. Thornell for $150,000
less all title, escrow and miscellaneous related costs, for total not-to-exceed
$10,000, for approximately 20,712 square feet of City-owned vacant land located at
3472 and 3473 Farnham Place and 9384 Martha Way, bearing Assessor’s Parcel
Numbers 233-062-010, 233-062-011 and 233-074-009 (Ward 5)
Mills Act Historic Property Preservation Agreements with Bylin, Christopher Q. and
Schneider, Abigail M., Silveira, Fabio Mazzotti and Marin-Silveiram Caren V.,
Gamble, Jacob Lee and Holly V., Pirritano, Leslie J. and Mary E., Zurer, Seth and
Peterson, Kerensa, Chartier, Gary and Homer, Alicia, Adcock, Nicholas D. and
Sydnee E. - Adcock Family Trust, Gunkel, Matthew and Danielle, Baresi, Lee and
Sterling-Baresi, Elizabeth Ann, J.F. Davidson Investment, LLC., Davidson, Ian
James, One Fifth, LLC., Romero, Hector Manuel and Obeji, Christopher John, and
Silva, Leighton - 4008 Third Street, 3881 Loring Drive, 4466 Eleventh Street, 3543
Castle Reagh Place, 3609 Castle Reagh Place, 3543 Larchwood Place, 4405
Mission Inn Avenue, 4593 Beatty Drive, 3573 Beechwood Place, 4587 Mission Inn
Avenue, 3850 Vine Street, 4495 Fifth Street, 3675, 3685, 3695 Main Streets, 4654
Merrill Avenue, 5015 Magnolia Avenue, 3533 Elmwood Drive, and 3844 Linwood
Place (Wards 1 and 3)