Public Works
First Amendment to Agreement with Flo-Services, Inc., Burbank, for $275,000 for
total contract amount of $425,000 from Fiscal Year 2024-26 Proposed Biennial
Budget, Sewer Fund, Sewer Collection Systems Maintenance, Professional
Services Account for on-call repair, maintenance, and service for various sewer lift
station pumps through June 30, 2025 (All Wards)
Third Street Grade Separation - Agreement with Sprint Communications Company
L.P. for $143,928 from TUMF Fund, Third St/BNSF (BNSF) Grade Separation
Project Account for engineering services required to relocate their fiber optic cable
and facilities within BNSF Right-of-Way and impacted by project
Amendment to Agreement with BNSF Railway Company for $50,000 for total amount
up to $160,000 from TUMF Fund, Third Street/BNSF Grade Separation project
Account to compensate BNSF for additional engineering and plan check services
required for project (Wards 1 and 2)
Purchase of one Decanter Centrifuge unit, Model CS26 - 4EV 2PH with Automatic
Hydraulic Backdrive and one Decanter Centrifuge Panel Upgrade for existing
Centrifuge Model CS21 - 4HC from Centrisys-CNP, Kenosha, Wisconsin, for
$949,100 from Public Works Sewer Fund, Sewer System-Sewer Projects, Rehab of
the Biosolids Equipment Account for solid waste treatment at Riverside Water
Quality Control Plant (All Wards)
Request for Proposal 2289 - Agreement with Hardy & Harper, Inc., Lake Forest, for
not-to-exceed amount of $1,500,000 each fiscal year up to $4,500,000 for
three-year term from Riverside Public Utilities Water accounts for on-call asphalt
and concrete repair services for water system maintenance through June 30, 2027,
with one additional two-year extension option - A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Riverside, California, waiving the formal bidding provisions of Section
1109 of the Charter of the City of Riverside under the Utilities Project Exception
therein for the selection of Hardy & Harper, Inc., for the Asphalt and Concrete
repair services for the Water System Maintenance - Waive further reading - Five
affirmative votes required (All Wards)
Audience participation is encouraged. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, Relating to
CalPERS Retirement Cost-Sharing Under Government Code Section 20516 by
Unrepresented Police Management Employees in the Police Safety Group to pay 7
percent of the employer contribution of pensionable income pursuant to Government
Code Section 20516, effective as soon as administratively possible and as soon as
administratively possible after December 2024 shall pay an additional portion of
required employer contribution equal to one half percent of pensionable income
pursuant to cost-sharing provisions, for total of seven and one half (7.5%) percent -
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, Amending