PLANNING CASES P14-1072 (EIR), P14-1081 (DR), P14-1082 (MCUP), P16-0101 (GP), P16-0102 (PM), AND P16-0103 (VR): Proposal by Hillwood Enterprises L.P. and The Magnon Company to consider an Environmental Impact Report for the construction of two industrial warehouse buildings, Building 1 (1,012,995 square feet) and Building 2 (362,174 square feet), to operate as a distribution center. This proposal involves the following entitlements: 1) an amendment to the General Plan Circulation Element and to the Sycamore Canyon Business Park Specific Plan Circulation Plan to remove planned but unconstructed streets; 2) Tentative Parcel Map No. 36879 to consolidate 17 parcels into two parcels; Minor Conditional Use Permit to permit industrial buildings greater than 400,000 square feet in area; 3) Design Review of a plot plan and building elevations for the construction of two distributions centers and on-site improvements; and 4) Grading Exceptions for creation of slopes in excess of 20 feet in hei...