Cases P17-0466, P17-0467, P17-0468, P17-0469, P17-0470, P17-0471, and P17-0472 - Richard Hamm on behalf of Pelican Merrill Avenue, LLC - General and Specific Plan Amendments, rezoning, site plan review, traffic pattern modification measures for Merill Avenue reconfiguration, vacation of three feet of Merrill Avenue, and variance to allow perimeter walls higher than permitted by Code - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, amending the Land Use Element of the Riverside General Plan as to property located at 3575-3661 Merrill Avenue, situated on the north side of Merrill Avenue, between Riverside and De Anza Avenues, and segment of Merrill Avenue between Riverside and De Anza Avenues, from Commercial (C) to Mixed Use-Urban (MU-U) - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, amending the Magnolia Avenue Specific Plan to include the Mixed Use-Urban (MU-U) Land Use designation in the Magnolia Center District, to facilitate the con...