PLANNING CASES P19-0863 (PPE), P20-0133 (CUP): Proposal by Darrin Olson of Magnolia Partnership, LLC to consider the following entitlements to facilitate construction of a mixed-use development with 450 residential dwelling units and 9,000 square feet of multi-tenant commercial space: 1) Site Plan Review for site design and building elevations; and 2) Conditional Use Permit to permit accessory structures (carports) and recreational open space within the MU-V-SP and MU-V-SP-WC - Mixed Use-Village and Specific Plan (Magnolia Avenue) Overlay Zones. The 16.11-acre site is located at 10411-10481 Magnolia Avenue, situated on the north side of Magnolia Avenue, between Tyler Street and Polk Street, in the MU-V-SP and MU-V-SP-WC - Mixed Use-Village and Specific Plan (Magnolia Avenue) Overlay Zones and MU-V-WC-SP – Mixed Use-Village - Water Course and Specific Plan (Magnolia Avenue) Overlay Zones, Ward 6. The Planning Division of the Community and Economic Development Department has determined, ...