File #:
CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE DAY - Cases P14-1072, P14-1081, P14-1082, P16-0101, P16-0102, and P16-0103 - Appeals - Rebecca Davison on behalf of Laborers International Union of North America, Local Union No. 1184 and Craig M. Collins on behalf of Golden State Environmental Justice Alliance - General and Specific Plan amendments, Tentative Parcel Map, minor conditional use permit, variance and grading exceptions, design review, and certification of Environmental Impact Report for construction and operation of two industrial warehouse buildings totaling 1,375,169 square feet on 76 acres - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Riverside, California, certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for Sycamore Canyon Business Park Buildings 1 and 2 Project, making certain Findings of Fact related thereto, adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and adopting a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, all pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act - A Re...
1. Appendix C.1 - AMEC(a), 2. Report, 3. Recommended Conditions, 4. Planning Commission Minutes, 5. R- Certifying Final Environmental Impact Report, 6. CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, 7. Mitigation Monitoring and Mitigation Program, 8. R - Amending General Plan, 9. R - Amending Specific Plan, 10. Appeal Letter 12-19-16, 11. Appeal Letter 12-21-16, 12. SCAQMD Correspondence 1-19-17, 13. Presentation, 14. Notice, 15. Comments Received, 16. PC Report 12-15-16, 17. PC Report EX 1 - Required Findings, 18. PC Report EX 2 - Recommended Conditions, 19. PC Report EX 3 - Aerial Photo, 20. PC Report EX 4 - General Plan Map, 21. PC Report EX 5 - Specific Plan Map, 22. PC Report EX 6 - Proposed GP and SP Map, 23. PC Report EX 7 - Zoning Map, 24. PC Report EX 8 - Jurisdictional Delineation Map, 25. PC Report EX 9a - Building Elevations, 26. PC Report EX 9b - Conceptual Landscape Plan, 27. PC Report EX 9c - Line of Site, 28. PC Report EX 9d - Grading Exceptions Plan, 29. PC Report EX 9e - Photo Simulations, 30. PC Report EX 9f - Preliminary Grading Plan, 31. PC Report EX 9g - Site Plan, 32. PC Report EX 9h - Tentative Parcel Map, 33. PC Report EX 10 Existing Site Photos, 34. PC Report EX 11 Applicant's Prepared Variance Justifications, 35. PC Report EX 12 Applicant's Prepared Grading Exceptions, 36. PC Report EX 13 Comments Letters and Responses 1-21, 37. PC Report EX 13 Comments Letters and Responses 22-33, 38. PC Report EX 13 Comments Letters and Responses 34, 39. PC Report EX 13 Comments Letters and Responses 35-46, 40. PC Report EX 14 DEIR, 41. PC Report EX 15 Refined Health Risk Assessment, 42. 1 FEIR - TOC and Introduction, 43. 2 FEIR - Response to Comments, 44. 2a FEIR - Response to Comments, 45. 2b FEIR - Response to Comments, 46. 2c FEIR - Response to Comments, 47. 2d FEIR - Response to Comments, 48. 3 FEIR - Errata to DEIR, 49. 4 FEIR - MMRP 01-24-17, 50. FEIR Attachment A.1 - November Refined HRA, 51. FEIR Attachment A.2 - January New Modeling, 52. DEIR TOC, Acronyms, 53. 1 Executive Summary, 54. 2 Introduction, 55. 3 Project Description, 56. 3a Project Description, 57. 3b Project Description, 58. 3c Project Description, 59. 4 EEFNS, 60. 5 EIA, 61. 5.1 Aesthetics, 62. 5.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources, 63. 5.3 Air Quality, 64. 5.4 Biological Resources, 65. 5.5 Cultural Resources, 66. 5.6 Geo and Soils, 67. 5.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 68. 5.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials, 69. 5.9 Hydrology and Water Quality, 70. 5.10 Land Use Planning, 71. 5.11 Mineral Resources, 72. 5.12 Noise, 73. 5.13 Population and Housing, 74. 5.14 Public Services, 75. 5.15 Recreation, 76. 5.16 Transportation-Traffic, 77. 5.17 Utilities and Service Systems, 78. 6 Other CEQA Topics, 79. 7 Energy Conservation, 80. 8 Alternatives, 81. 9 References, 82. A.1 - Documents Related to the NOP, 83. Appendix B - AQ Report, 84. Appendix C.2 - MBI, 85. Appendix C.3 - AMEC(b), 86. Appendix C.4 - AMEC(c), 87. Appendix C.5 - Rocks, 88. Appendix C.6 - AMEC(d), 89. Appendix D.1 - AE(a), 90. Appendix D.2 - AE(b), 91. Appendix D.3 - AB 52_SB 18 Log, 92. Appendix E.1 CHJ(a), 93. Appendix E.2 CHJ(c), 94. Appendix F - GHG Modeling Output, 95. Appendix G.1, 96. Appendix G.1a, 97. Appendix G.2 CHJ(d), 98. Appendix H.1, 99. Appendix H.2, 100. Appendix H.2a, 101. Appendix H.2b, 102. Appendix H.2c, 103. Appendix I - Noise Impact Analysis, 104. Appendix J - WEBB, 105. Appendix Ja -Webb, 106. Appendix Jb - Webb, 107. Appendix Jc-Webb, 108. Appendix Jd - Webb, 109. Appendix Je-Webb, 110. Appendix Jf-Webb, 111. Appendix Jg- Webb, 112. Appendix J -TIA, 113. Appendix Ja -TIA, 114. Appendix Jb -TIA, 115. Appendix Jc - TIA, 116. Appendix Jd - TIA, 117. Appendix K - WSA, 118. Appendix L - Energy Consumption Tables, 119. Appendix M GP-GNG-SCBPSP Project Compliance Policies 08-09-16